Saturday, June 11, 2011

3 Printable Bricks Coffee Mate Coupons!!

YES! Theres a new Coffee-Mate coupon and 2 others that are still available for print. If you have printed the coupons from in the past they have not yet reset so you won't be able to print them again  :-(
I know some of my readers have been with me since "Free Coffee Friday" which was pretty much my very first post! If you know what I'm talking about, thanks for hanging with me for so long  :-)
Enough mushy smoochie-ness, down to the coupons:
Don't forget that you can print out each of these coupons twice by hitting the back button on your browser. These are great for "Stacking"! What is stacking? Most stores allow more than one coupon for each product. For Example:

Buy 2 Coffee-Mate Creamers
Use 2 $0.55 off coupons
and 1 $0.75 off of 2 coupons
This will take a total of $1.85 off your purchase!

I hope this little tip helps! Let me know if you have any questions about it  :-D

Jamie :-)
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