Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Schick Hydro 5 Razor only $.47 at Walmart After Coupon!

A new coupon has been released for $5.00 off any 1 Schick Hydro for Men Razor! This is only $5.47 at Walmart so it ends up being only $0.47 after the coupon! Click here then click on the Personal Care catagory to the left to find and print the coupon  :-)
Don't forget you can print it twice and score 2 of them for only $0.94!!!

**Thanks for clicking my links and supporting, Mom and Dad Save at no cost to you! xoxoxoxo**

Jamie :-)
Check me out on Facebook! 
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HOT $2.00 off 1 Reach Tooth Brush!

Walmart has just released a HOT $2.00 off of 1 Reach Toothbrush (Excluding Reach Crystal Clean)! This will make the Toothbrush free when it goes on sale for $1.99 or less (This happens all the time!)
Click here then scroll down to the bottom. You can then click on the "Click to get $2 off" button. A new window will pop up for Redplum where you can print your coupon. Don't forget to print it out twice  :-)

Jamie :-)
Check me out on Facebook! 
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5,000 free Artisan Pizza's Sometime Today!

From now until September 28th Domino's will be giving out free Artisan style pizza's daily! Today they will be giving out 5,000!!! Click here and like them on facebook and wait for a post from them announcing the giveaway. If you are one of the first 5,000 you will be able to place your order online for a free pizza, it's pick-up only so keep that in mind if your not in a place where you can go pick-up your free pizza.

Jamie :-)
Check me out on Facebook!
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Free Sample of Disney Kids Gummy Vitamins!

Disney is offering samples of there charcter gummy vitamins. You can pick either Princess or Cars! Click here and fill in your info to request yours. This one says up to 8 weeks for delivery.
Jamie :-)
Check me out on Facebook! 
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Make your Facebook Look Somewhat Familiar Again :-)

Did you log onto Facebook and say "What the $%^@ *$^&%^*$!!!!!!!!!"?

I know almost every friend of mine did! No worries, you can make it look a lot better again. Heres how:
  • Click on your name and go to your wall
  • Scroll down to the very bottom and click on the "English (US)" Button
  • Select "English (UK)" then click "Close".
  • BAM! Back to somewhat normal   :-D
  • And if you don't mind, Click here and Like Mom and Dad Save on Facebook and share this post with all your friends,  YAY!
Jamie :-)
Check me out on Facebook for more freebies, coupons, give-aways and great deals!
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