Thursday, July 21, 2011

Printable Bricks: Cheez-itz, Pop-Tarts & Morning Star

Hey Everyone! I found some new Kellogs Coupons for ya! If you would like to print out more Kellogs Coupons, click here and sign up for Kellogs site for an additional $5 in coupons. The following coupons are direct links to Bricks Printables so make sure to have your printer ready! You might also be able to request these sent to your address from your smartphone:

$0.70 off Cheezits Colby Baked Crackers or Keebler Club Mini's 
$1.00 off any Morning Star Breakfast item
$1.00 off any 3 Pop-Tarts or Pop-Tarts Mini Crisps

Jamie :-)
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New offer: Huggies Diapers Sample

ALRIGHT! We have another place to request a free sample of Huggies Diapers!  Walmart has just released a sample on their site. Even if you requested the samples from Target the other day you will still be able to request this one. Click here, then click on the "Get a free sample" button and fill in your info.

Jamie :-)
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