Friday, September 30, 2011

Mega Swag Bucks Friday + 100 Swag Bucks For New Sign-Ups!!

Today is MEGA Swag Bucks Day! Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, which means you have a better chance of winning the BIG Swag Bucks denominations! Simply search like normal and if you are lucky, you’ll be winning large bills starting at 20 Swag Bucks and up. Mega swag bucks is only on Friday's but you can still win10 to 50 Swagbucks any other day of the week! Not a member of swagbucks? Click here to join (you get 100 swagbucks just for registering now through October 3rd! They usually offer 30!) Don't Worry about entering your info on the offers after the first page submit, you can feel free to skip all of them to get to the "Confirm your info" page. Some offers you will have to answer before it gives you an option to skip, example: Do you have car insurence? Yes or No? When you select yes or no it will then give you the option to skip without capturing your information :-)

*What is Swag bucks? It is a search engine that rewards you with "Swag bucks" that you can use to purchase free prizes!! There's nothing like free stuff for doing nothing but searching!!*

**Just FYI, you can get a $5 gift card with only 450 swagbucks. It only takes me about 2 weeks of using this search engine to get mine! Wooo!**
Jamie :-)
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