Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting mobile coupons on your smart phone

First of I wanted to thanks my reader Jann J. for bringing up a very good point! If you are always browsing for great deals on your smart phone and don't have a printer how can you still use coupons? This is a great question and I can tell how I use my smart phone for even more savings and coupons!
Cellfire is a site that has been around since before the smart phone that has always made it simple to use coupons even when you don't have a printer. At Cellfire you have the option of selecting coupons they have available and adding them right to your store loyalty card (Like a King Soopers Card, Safeway card or Krogger card). When you sign up for Cellfire you can then browse what they have, select which coupons you would like to use then type in your saver/loyalty card that you would like the coupons loaded on to! It's simple and really handy. The one thing I would like to mention about these coupons is that they do not double. Even when your store offers double coupons these one's don't and won't double at check out. Click anywhere on this to go to to check it out.

Printable Bricks Coupons:
Alot of the time I will post a coupon as a "Printable Bricks Coupon". When I post a link for one it will bring you direct to the "Coupon Printer" which will alot of the time give you the option to mail the coupon to your address so feel free to click on the link to see if you can mail the coupon to your home address :-D
This is another mobile coupon site that offers local deals on pizza places, fast food chains, bars/pubs, movie theatres, salons, car mainenance and much more. Click any part of this post to check it out. Once you are at the site you must change your city at the very top to see what your area has to offer. This site is pretty new so their are more offers in some city's than they are in others. I'm in Denver and they have over 524 in my area.

That's all I have for now. I finally gave in and got myself a smartphone when I saw my brother playing the Super Nintendo Zelda from his phone. Once I saw I could download and play games I was sold! Anyways, I'm still finding deals myself on my phone so I will let you know when I come across any new sites that are smart phone friendly. Either way, I hope this helps a little.

Jamie :-D

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