Little Tikes: You can enter everyday for a chance to win a playhouse! If you are 1 of 4 winners you can Pick from: Picnic n Playhouse,Home & Garden Playhouse, Woodside Playhouse,Secret Garden Playhouse, Endless Adventures Tikes Town Playhouse, 6 in 1 Towncenter Playhouse, Log Cabin, Castle or Picnic on the Patio! To enter this one, go to Little Tikes
You can also click here to follow them on Facebook! They always have lots of fun stuff going on! And don't forget to sign you kid up for their Birthday Bonus (also located on the bottom of their home page) so you don't miss out on a special gift for your child's birthday!
Tony's Pizza: Tony's frozen pizza is still doing a daily give away, this one lasts for 99 days! This is a instant win game that you can play every day by clicking here. You will have to type in all your info to sign up the first time but after that entering every day is a piece of cake, or should I say a piece of pizza (HA!). After signing up they just require your email to log on. The game you play everyday is a slot machine style so it makes the contest a little more fun!
Nursery Water: On Nursery Water's website you can enter for a chance to win a $250 gift certificate to Distinctive Nurseries online store. You can enter once each day until April 30th. Click here and then click on the "Enter" button. You will have to register the first time but after that all you will have to do is log on and your info will be ready every day after that.
Nursery Water also offers this free bag! Click here to get a free re-usable bag from Nursery water every day at 12pm EST. I think they only give out 100 a day so make sure you get there on time, if you don't get one? Just try again tomorrow :-) I submitted to get one about a month ago and have still not seen it but hopefully it will get here soon! I love the ones that collapse like this!
Bausch & Lomb: In honor of their new contact solution, Biotrue, Bausch is giving everyone a chance to win 1 of 500 re-usable tote bag once a day until 3/27/2011. I have already won once and it is still letting me play :-) You have to register once with your address and such but after that all you will need is your email address. Click here to play this one :-)
Philosophy: This is another instant win game you can play daily. This also requires you to register first then only email is required from then on. You can either play the picture match game or just skip it to see if you won. This instant win game is offering 5 prizes daily. Click here to register and don't forget to go back daily until 3/31/2011.
Whew, that's all of them I find worth playing. Let me know if you guys win anything! Good luck!!
Jamie :-)
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